Thank you for your interest in Willow Tree Wellness. The intentions of my practice are to provide space for reduction of stress and improvement of overall health. My focus is helping you to find your own direction towards self-healing.
I am a strong believer that high levels of stress can have a detrimental impact on our physical health, not to mention our emotional state. It is my goal to work with you to bring your stress levels down to a consistently manageable level, making room for an improvement of wellbeing.
Private Reflexology and Reiki sessions are offered
by appointment in The Studio at Park Row Floats in
Downtown Chestertown, Maryland.
Learn more about these complementary modalities in the Services page, and more about myself in the About Me page.
Feel free to contact me with any questions, and please be sure to find Willow Tree Wellness on Facebook and Instagram.
I look forward to working wth you, as you follow your own Natural Path to Wellness.
Hello and Welcome!
Willow Tree Wellness